Pinboard Blog

Little Green Locks

This weekend I made some changes to Pinboard that should make it safer to use the site on public networks, like in a library or cafe, without the risk of anyone snooping on you.

Pinboard now forces all users to connect via a secure connection. This was already the default for over half of Pinboard users who had set the 'secure connections' preference, but from today it applies to everyone who is logged in.

A small number of you may see a login screen the next time you use Pinboard. This will only happen once. Most people will not notice any changes to the site at all.

If you find something has broken for you, or you are getting security-related errors in your browser, please email me a bug report and screenshot to

—maciej on April 15, 2013

Pinboard is a bookmarking site and personal archive with an emphasis on speed over socializing.

This is the Pinboard developer blog, where I announce features and share news.

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